Stakeholder Engagement
Process of Materiality Analysis
Conducted annually by the CSR Task Force and discussed in consultation with the Company and external experts, the questionnaire on the impact and focus of sustainability topics in accordance with GRI and applicable industry property, international trends, peer development, the chosen economy, and environmental and societal aspects are further characterized into issue-based questions. Of a total of 44 entries, there are 44 qualified X-axis questionnaires, and 44 Y-axis ones. A materiality quadrant created with qualified questionnaires covers 6 critical topics.
Material Topic Identification Results
The questionnaires were used to compile the degree of stakeholder concern based on the weight of each stakeholder, namely the combination of the economic, environmental, and social impact on ITEQ and the impact of ITEQ on stakeholders; meanwhile, the internal management grade shows the impact of 23 issues on the economy, environment, and society. Finally, the degree of concern and the degree of impact of each issue are shown in the matrix below to screen material issues in 2022. 6 issues were verified this year.
The result of 2022 materiality assessment is reviewed, approved, and supervised by ITEQ’s Board of Directors.